"All writers and travelers agree, moreover, that there were many Jewish types of face among the Indians, the aborigines of America." [".....Participation of the Jews"; chapter VI; Indians and Israelites]

The next publication which we will discuss will be a piece of late 19th century literature by Dr. Meyer Kayserling, great German historian. His work primarily deals with the contributions of the Jews to the voyages of Christopher Columbus, Prince Henry the Navigator, Vasco de Gama and other explorers. We will deal primarily with two sections of his book which dealt with the topic we are discussing; the Israelitish origins of the aborigines of the Americas and Carribean. The first reference he makes as to this subject matter was in chapter VI which was entitled "Indians and Israelites". The second reference we find in the appendix which written in Spanish, was taken from the daily log of a conquistador commander (Colonel Munoz). Both references identified the "Indians" of the Americas as the Lost Tribes of Israel. The main focus was on the Tainos and other Arawak nations which were the first natives which the Europeans encountered.

"Several writers have asserted and have displayed much learning in attempting to prove that the aborigines were the descendants of the Jews" [pg 95 Participation of the Jews...]

Antonio Montesinos, Portuguese clergyman; whose piece we will get into more in depth in another chapter, was convinced that the Peruvians were of Jewish origin. Roldan, Gregorio Garcia, Luis Lopez (a 17th century linguist expert, an archbishop of Quito and a renown historian of that era) all maintained the same argument in 1650. Mentioned also was Thomas Thorowgood whose volume we spoke about in the previous chapter and the renown Rabbi from Amsterdam; the Portuguese Jew Mannesah ben Israel. Lastly mentioned was Englishman Lord Kingsborough who devoted a great part of his vast fortune to the publication of a collection of documents, in order to prove the Jewish origins of these Americans.

Roldan's chief argument in support of his view was the language that the natives spoke. He contends that it had many analogies to the Hebrew; in fact he called it "corrupted Hebrew". He maintains that the names Cuba and Haiti are Hebrew; as were the names of rivers and persons derived from the Hebrew language.

Thier rites and ceremonies, as well as thier language forms one of the main arguments in favor of this theory of descent. A long list of the similar Indian and Mosiacal laws is given in this chapter which other authors such as Thorowgood, Smith, Worsley and Boudinot to name a few, get very much more in depth into. It is curious as to how a subject that was so highly debated in the sixteenth century throughout the late 19th century in the present day is hardly ever brought up. Today it is viewed as taboo and blasphemous in many circles despite a conclusion never really have been arrived. Further on in Mrs. B.A. Simon's "The Ten Tribes of Israel" you will see how many authors, scholars and historians who tried to publish works on this topic were shunned, spurned and highly advised (by the very Catholic Curch) not to write books on such subject matters because it might be detrimental to thier careers.

In the appendix of this fine piece of literature by Dr. Kayserling we find as we stated earlier a copy of a 17th century manuscript entitled "Los Indios de la Islas Indias son Hebreos". In its english translation the title is "The Indians of the Indian Islands are Hebrews". By the Indian islands what was being spoken about was the Carribean which many believe that Columbus named after thinking he was in the Indies. There is some speculation that Columbus in actuality never named the natives he encoutered "Indians" thinking he had arrived in India. This would be impossible being that in 1492 there was no such place known as India. Back in that point of history, there was no sub-continent known as India but rather "Hindustan"! Columbus had called these natives (Tainos) "En Dios" which means "In God" because of the christianly and brotherly way the Spaniards were met at the shores by these natives.

The title of the manuscript written by a Spanish conquistadorian commander Colonel Munoz is self explanatory; however it gets more in depth into the reasons as to his declaration. Mr. Munoz gave five main reasons as to his statement. First is the apocryphal II book of Esdras, the Hebrew Prophet in which the general location of the ten lost tribes of Israel is given and the route in which they took to get there. Many other scholars had made mention of this same prophecy aslo as to justify thier "lost tribes of Israel locale" theory. Later on in this work we will take a closer look at the II Book of Esdras and analyze this prophecy. The second reason for Mr. Munoz's astounding conclusion is the prophesy written in the book of Hosea (chapter I) concerning the nation of Israel. This prophecy seemed to (as so did many others) describe the Native Americans to a tee. Hosea (another Hebrew prophet) spoke of the great population which resides here in the Americas upon the arrival of the first Spaniards and other Europeans which estimate to be around 145,000,000. what makes this all the more bizzare is the fact that as Israelites they underwent many hardships and sufferings as a nation. Slavery, invasions, acts of genocide by almost every nation one could think of; Assyria, Babylonia, the Greeks, Romans, Persians and yet these people still seemed to multiply rather than be decimated. Even countless attempt by the Europeans to exterminate them were futile. This carries on to the present day. Despite poorish living conditions which many Native Americans and so called Hispanics may encounter, racism, poor housing, drugs and crime rampant in thier communities they for the most part survive, move on in society and multiply whereas another set of people would have perished from off the face of the earth. Once again thier dialect is a key reference used to determine thier Hebrew ancestry by yet another historian, this time Munoz. This was his third reason as to the Indians lineage, very much in keeping with other scholarly opinion such as what we have just read and will continue to read in chapters to come. Munoz's fourth reason is also derived from the Holy Scriptures which attest to the attributes and characteristics of the nation of Israel. The Bible tells us of the Levitical and Mosaical rites and ceremonies the ancient Israelites performed to which the customs of the aborigine of Ameriça was a carboncopy. Mr. Munoz makes a list of shocking similarities between the two cultures; among threm are the rites of circumcision, not touching the dead, marraiges within the family, chiefs having more than one wife, sacrificing and idolatry just to name a few! This pretty much sums up the volume written by Dr. Kayserling dealing with the many sages whom came across indisputable facts in proving the "true origins" of these mysteriously intriguing nations. It seems like the more and more research that one does into this highly controversial topic, the more you come to realize that there is really nothing to debate about. There are too many pieces of evidence brought forth throught so many centuries by hundreds upon hundreds of well reputed scholars; be they historians, linguist or theologians. One would could only hope for institutions of learning and religious sectors to come out of a state of denial or ignorance and release more of these facts to the general consensus of people that are void of this knnowledge. Sadly enough the very people we speak in this work, Native Americans and Hispanics who have Indian bloodline; are in darkness as to thier own ancestral heritage. This should not, however come as a shock to anyone; as it was prophesied in the Holy Bible that this would occur to the nation of Israel until the time of thier redemption.





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